. Enlist the services of a proven and effective SEO company to implement strategies that will keep you ahead of your competition.


At MRC SEO Consulting Our team of skilled SEO experts has helped businesses in a variety of industries to pinpoint their website issues without SEO audit service.

We invest endless hours in technical evaluations and SEO audits. Throughout the entire process, we intensely evaluate your website. Our approach inspects every single factor that could have an impact on your traffic. We implement a set of meticulous tools to gather comprehensive information about the market approach and performance of your industry.

We are not your typical internet marketing firm and never make guarantees that we can’t cover. SEO is a strategy that requires ongoing investment and is a long-term process. We are your digital key to the door of SEO success. Our website audit consists of careful observation, in-depth reporting, strategic analysis, and functional recommendations that are designed specifically for your website.

Here are just some of the areas we focus on when performing your SEO audit –

Online advertising


Social media marketing


The SEO industry overflows with expert opinions. As you navigate through the SEO companies that offer what you need, it is essential to find one that exceeds your expectations, without compromising the integrity of your business.

Our approach is one of long-term strategy building, and working on that strategy to help you see continued steady growth. Our methodology has been proven through years of experience helping businesses just like yours achieve their online goals. The foundation of that help is starting with a complete SEO audit so that we can set both baselines, and goals for your site. 

We focus on pinpointing any issues that you have and putting together a plan that works for you. We offer clear communication, expectations, and reporting. Let us help you get the best view of your digital footprint with one of our comprehensive SEO audits.

Professional SEO Audits help your business to gain exceptional real-time information and results. Don’t allow your business to fall victim to quick-fixes and false promises that get your website penalized by search engines. 

Insights and Organic Traffic Trends

Analysis of organic traffic trends that date back as far as permissible by analytics is crucial. This allows us to gain insight into your user base and how they flow through your site.


  • Website Entry Assessment – this process oversees the pages of the site that generate the majority of the traffic and which search queries are being utilized to locate these pages. The switch by Bing and Google to terminology like ‘Keyword Not Provided’ makes it necessary for SEO firms to have expert knowledge to strategize precise conclusions.


  • Traffic Flow – this references the loss or gain of organic flow of traffic to your website. Sometimes, there will be an instant decline in organic traffic, which causes the website to be penalized. The penalty could be manual or algorithmic, and we have the knowledge to spot a penalty and put a plan in place immediately.




During this segment of the SEO audit, the content of the site is analyzed. We look at the formatting and layout of the content, along with the actual words, both from a user-view, but also that of the search engines. The content of your page consists of several components, some of which are explained below:

On-Page-Text – text that expresses to search engines what the webpage represents or is about.

Social Integration – relaxed integration that makes it possible for visitors to the site to share the content of your page with others on social media. This is a great contributing factor to content marketing.

URLs – in place to identify the number of pages that make up your site and to what extent they have been located by search engines. 

Title Tags – this content is utilized to describe the intent of your page and populates in the results of the search engine. This is among the most important contributors when relaying keyword significance to a search engine.

Alt Tags – these tags are utilized to relay the visual perspectives of the site to crawlers on the engine.

Competitor Breakdown

Skilled website audits will always consist of an intricate breakdown of competitor sites. Utilizing various tools, we investigate your biggest and most relevant competitors to find out how they rank in comparison to your site. This analysis is made from an authority and keyword standpoint.


Website Authority Comparison – website authority has a major impact on how well you rank organically. Intense investigation of your competition helps to identify link campaigns that are being utilized by them to narrow the keyword ranking gap.


Keyword Overlap Ranking Analysis – utilized to gain an overview of the keywords that currently aide your website in ranking, in comparison to those utilized by competitors


When it comes to SEO, you need a strategy that works

An expert SEO audit will be comprised of an in-depth analysis of the content on your site. This includes blogs, general articles, images and more. Basically, an overall assessment of the marketing strategy implemented via the use of content.

Examination of Content Marketing in Reference to SEO – this approach takes an up-close look at blogs or general articles from the perspective of inbound marketing strategies. Blogs on the site should present various components of media and incorporate industry approved practice efforts for SEO.

Web Authority Contribution – this approach views the content on your site with reference to SEO strategies off-site. In what ways does the content on your website help to improve your authority, as well as the enterprises of your brand.


  • MRC SEO Consulting is a leading Western Canadian Company