How to Grow your Businesses?

The ripples of the time change our dynamic business practices and often introduce new technological trends and strategies. Although this change is beneficial, this makes it grueling to determine which trend to adopt for the business’ growth.

The sheer number of different tools, methods, and strategies is indeed confusing, especially when you don’t have much insight into the industry. You may question yourself whether SEO and other traditional marketing practices are still in fashion or not. Whenever a trend is introduced, business owners tend to renounce the outdated methods and hastily adopt the new ones. That’s why learning what’s new in the industry holds paramount importance to compete with your rivals.

Even in 2020, Search Engine Optimization retains its value, even though some methods and practices have been replaced. It tells us that the landscape is shifting, and we must go with the flow to thrive. For instance, after Google’s Bert update 2019, the focus of optimization is shifted from keywords to content based on the internet search.

Dominating Search Engine with Local SEO

In terms of customer acquisition, SEO still ranks on top of local businesses. In our opinion, there is not a better way to increase visitors than to outshine your rivals in the locality.

The search engine results on Google are personalized for every user, depending on the geographical location. Local SEO techniques help you direct these customers around you to your website. But you will only dominate the local market if the optimization is carried out correctly.

Use local keywords, put up high-quality content, collect positive reviews, construct a Google My Business profile, and use backlinking techniques to enhance your local visibility. If done perfectly, you will be able to outrank competitors and conquer the local search.

Content Optimization for User Search Intent

Google’s search engine algorithms are evolving with a better understanding of the search queries that take the context of the search into account. The 2019 BERT update revolutionized the way the search engine worked — it now scans the content of the website and shows the most relevant result that the user is searching for. It doesn’t rely on the frequency of the keyword anymore, but the intention behind the query.

Therefore, you must aim to answer the customer’s question and provide what they are looking for rather than targeting random keywords. For instance, if you are creating content on the keyword “effective SEO practices,” then the best way to get ideas is to Google this keyword and analyze the results. Examine whether the top-ranked websites are service providers or blogposts. Determining this will give you a clearer picture of what type of content surrounds that term, thus making it easier to devise high-quality yet relevant work. The content should answer and provide solutions to what the customers intend to find. For example, if you are a service provider, the content should include introducing your services, why the people choose you, and how you stand out from the rest of the competitors. Blog posts, on the other hand, should contain information like what the topic is, how the particular thing benefits you, how it works, and everything the customers want to know regarding the topic.

The update has proven fruitful for business owners and bloggers who rely on organic digital traffic to create sales, leads, and revenue. So, by putting up the most relevant content that provides answers and matches with the audience’s needs, you can rank higher than your rivals.

Embracing Multi-Channel Strategy

Relying on a single channel for organic traffic is a huge gamble for your business. What happens when that source vanishes? Your whole business will falter as a result. That is why it is wise to take a multi-channel approach — communicating the audience through a variety of sources.

Agreeably, Google search is the top source of organic traffic, and it isn’t disappearing like other sources anytime soon. So, it would be immensely useful for your business to use SEO along with other traffic channels. Not just your current campaign will continue to show results, but SEO will also open doors for new leads.

Expanding Brand’s Reach

Statistics from a 2014 survey shows that around 84 percent of millennials hate and don’t trust traditional advertisements. It is quite evident that new generation buyers aren’t impressed by the old-school marketing strategies like email spam, paid ads, and even cold calling.

As opposed to these aforesaid annoying marketing tactics, SEO doesn’t interrupt your surfing on the internet or forcefully smack an advert on your screen. It is a much more sophisticated way to dominate the market and attract customers to check your content or services out.

Moreover, you can also expand your boundaries and widen your reach by focusing on long-tail keywords to lure dense traffic. Targeting comparative or question-based keywords strengthens your position in the market. As such, keywords are high in demand, they help you take down your competitors and earn their part of the traffic.

On the other hand, ranking for descriptive keywords can also help you grow by leaps and bounds. That is because a wide audience searches in a descriptive tone, considering that is how we converse. For this reason, broad terms keywords are highly competitive, and it may require elbow grease to rank for them. So, it would be best to focus on long-tail ones first, and when you have acquired decent traffic, you can move on to the descriptive keywords.

Why We are the best at SEO across Canada , MRC SEO Consulting

As the top Search engine Optimization Company across Canada we help your clients find you, your company’s website should have the highest visibility possible. Our  SEO experts and digital marketing methods are perfect for companies that want to attract clients both locally in Abbotsford BC and with a more geographically decentralized approach. Take a look at how  seo experts process for a typical website looks like (keep in mind that composition of each stage differs for every project that we work on):

  1. Analysis and keyword research choosing the best match for your website
  2. Optimization of technical side of your website
  3. Preparation and optimization of a high quality, engaging content
  4. Adjustment of URLs to make them more digital marketing  friendly
  5. Internal link building Image and Video SEO optimization
  6. Tailoring of tags, titles, headings and many, many more ‘little things’

Of course a good local SEO cannot take place without a good ‘off-site’  local SEO, which consists of creating high quality, valuable link building extremely precious for your site in the eyes of Google or any other search engine. The offsite  seo solutions  are long term usually looks like the following (in short):

  • Research of the link profile of your competition
  • Acquiring quality links to your website
  • Publication of Press Releases, guest blog posts
  • Tracking of SEO efforts results, constant adjustment of the process.
  • optimize google my business listings
  • Ensure web design is what google needs!

As you can see, SEO demands a lot of work and expertise, but the results are tremendous. Although the process is demanding and at times even challenging, the benefits like traffic to your website ,  you’ll reap after you successfully rank high in search results are massive.


The marketing landscape shifts whenever a new technology or tool is introduced. But SEO is firmly holding its position and isn’t going anywhere, though it is evolving. If you want dense traffic to visit your website or blogpost, SEO could be the driving factor.

For those who have locally focused businesses, it can prove substantially beneficial to knock out competitions. You can utilize specially tailored content along with a solid SEO strategy to attract more customers as well as widen your reach. In a nutshell, it helps your business to reach unprecedented heights.

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Posted in SEO

Why Changing Your Provider Is A Bad Idea

SEO is a hot button word for just about any company out there. So much so that it’s become a synonym for growth. At least in the digital age, no one can thrive fully without using SEO to their best advantage.

Companies are willing to get the best of the best when it comes to SEO. That’s why they’re often signing up with companies that can get them there fast. And once you find the right one, it’s often a good idea to stay with them.

You might be wondering what happens when you change your search optimization company. And there’s not good about it. But let’s break down what you’ll expect to see if you decide to go down that path for yourself.

Disadvantages of Changing Your SEO Company

First, let’s get it out of the way. You’re not going to be getting a lot jumping ship with your Calgary SEO company. Not only is it a bad idea for being effective with your SEO, but it can also be much worse than that. In a lot of cases, you can actually end up getting some negative growth too. Here are some of the biggest disadvantages to watch out for.

It Takes More Time and Effort

One of the biggest misconceptions about SEO companies is that they are all providing a 1:1 service. Many companies think subbing out SEO company will bring little to no changes. In truth, changing your SEO company isn’t like just changing your cellphone provider.

It’s more like hiring a contractor to handle some construction and changing them halfway through. You’re bringing in someone new to finish the job that someone else already started. That doesn’t mean the new company can just pick off without any problems.

When a new SEO company works with you, they have to consider the best options. That means having to spend time working with you and see what fits. It also means having to look at what the previous company did in their SEO implementation.

They’ll have to carefully decide whether the previous approach is worth continuing, whether it’s not worth continuing, or whether they have to undo everything and start from scratch. As you can imagine, this already takes up a lot of time and effort. And that’s all before they decide to work on their own strategy for SEO.

In the long run, you end up wasting so much time and effort that you could have otherwise utilized. If you end up sticking to one company, you can better use that time and effort to propel yourself in the rankings.

As a result, you’ll end up in a desirable space much easier and faster than if you decide to switch halfway. That’s kind of trade-off you deal with. And considering that time is of key importance in the SEO world, it’s pretty much a no brainer.

You Lose Out on Rankings

When thinking about SEO, it’s always important to keep your eye on the prize. And the ultimate end goal for any optimization practice is always the results that you get after all is said and done. So, when you don’t even get the results that you were so anxiously hoping for, does it even matter in the end?

Rankings have almost always been about consistency. You have to figure out the best approach, work with it, and continue it as long as it can last. After all, SEO isn’t just a short lifehack to success. It’s a long game. And playing by the rules for as long as possible is what gets you there.

This is where the problem comes with changing your SEO company at the drop of a hat. Whatever SEO rankings that the company built up for you can crumble at a moment’s notice, especially since so many of your competitors will be working to increase their advantage over you.

No doubt there will be a period of stagnation between cutting off ties with your old company and starting with the new one. Before they can even pick up the pace, you’ll be subjected to a period of time where you’re not keeping up with your SEO. Or at least, not keeping up with your SEO using the same approach.

It often doesn’t even matter how low or high your company’s rankings are when you make the switch. It’s almost always logically expected for you to take a dip in terms of your rankings.

That spells disaster for any company out there. But even more so when you talk about something like SEO. If it can give you exponential growth, then it can also give you exponential decline.

You Lose Knowledge About the Business

SEO isn’t just a one size fits all approach that works for everyone out for the box. But that’s not to say that it can’t be made to work for anyone. In fact, that’s fits in line with just what every SEO company does as part of the services it offers.

But making it work for you means having to keep a consolidated amount of knowledge about your business. This can extend to things like what kind of traffic you want to target, what approaches work best for you, the raw numbers that you could achieve before, and much more.

All of that builds up neatly into a business profile that can then be used to drive any further implementations or even keep track of current performance. It’s a valuable resource that you can always fall back on.

What happens when you change companies is the risk of abandoning all that understanding. Or worse, it can change as you enter different approaches and hit different targets. The aspect of consistency and predictability goes out the window. And you will have to start from scratch to build up all that knowledge.

Keep doing it enough, and you essentially have very little to no stability in the source of credible information to maintain such a record. Even if you do have a past record, it becomes very hard to frame it without the right context.

Understanding why the previous company did things a certain way or getting certain results can be a headscratcher in itself. It’s all new work that your new SEO company has to undertake.

Your SEO Knowledge drops

Using SEO without proper knowledge isn’t ideal at all. To build your rankings or your qualified traffic, you need to have a basic functional understanding of SEO and how it works. And a lot of that knowledge comes from past performance and analytics.

Because let’s face it, SEO is a long term game. Anyone that tells you otherwise doesn’t realize how it works. Doing the necessary work means you won’t be seeing the results until weeks or even months afterward.

But once you do see the results, it can be helpful to realize which approaches worked and which didn’t even make a dent. And this is data that can be used to roll over in your next SEO implementation. Each time you do this, you go in with more and more knowledge about what the right course of action should be.

On top of having a good understanding, you also need time to build up that knowledge over time. The longer you do it, the better your chances are. This applies equally to your SEO company.

Up until now, your previous company was able to build a good understanding with you by working over a specific period of time. And it’s not only the successes of your performance that matters here either. The shortfalls are equally as important as part of the understanding that’s needed.

For the SEO company, that knowledge now needs to be relearned all over again. For you, that knowledge hits a pause for a long while. Until you can get back up again, you’re essentially stuck in the dark about where you’re at and what you need to do.

Even once you do start working back at filling your SEO knowledge, there might be a lot of things that have changed since then. As a result, you’ll have to throw out any outdated knowledge.

Your Risk Underperforming with Different Approaches

SEO is all about approach. You could have all the necessary tools at your disposal. But until you have the right approach, it can rarely count for anything. And the problem here is that everyone has a different approach that they end up following.

On its own, that might not sound too bad. But when you apply it to something like changing your SEO company, things start to get dicey. Those approaches will undoubtedly clash and cause a big headache for everyone involved.

Think of it as hiring three different artists to work on the same painting or three writers to write the same book. It doesn’t matter how talented they might be individual. When you have a clash of different styles and approaches, that makes everything a jumbled mess.

The same can be said for SEO., Especially considering that SEO isn’t perpetual at all. Each time Google rolls out an update for Google Ads or tweaks its search algorithm, there’s a change to how the system works, how SEO companies choose as their best approach to dealing with these changes, and the dependence on them.

You’re already head to head with your own competitors in the same space, with each of them using their own different approaches. The last thing you need is to be your own competitor by having an internal conflict with your SEO practices.

Not only does your risk diminishing returns, but you can potentially ruin all your hard work, time, and effort. And if that wasn’t enough, you might end up with results worse than you might have before doing any SEO.

The fact is, the system is already complicated enough as it is. And changing SEO companies make it that much more obtuse. That runs very real risks of possible SEO contamination for your brand.

Benefits of Keeping SEO Companies Long Term

Now that you’ve seen the potentially disastrous effects of changing SEO companies let’s focus on the lighter side. There are also some benefits that you can gain from sticking to the same SEO company apart from just avoiding any particular disadvantages. We’ll be looking at some of these benefits below.

You Keep on Increasing SEO Knowledge Over Time

SEO knowledge is something that goes beyond just understanding the pure basics. It has continued to grow and evolve over time. So, it only makes sense that you should grow and evolve with it. At worst, you’ll stay firm in your current position. At best, you’ll be several paces ahead of where you used to be.

This is far from a novel concept. When you make up a strategy for your SEO, you have to channel in data from the past to help complete the puzzle. Getting an audit for your performances is one of the first steps for long term SEO growth.

As you use your SEO techniques, you build up your results and rely on a reliable source of data. And this can only help your SEO company serve you better. You see, it’s not just about having that data on hand, it’s continually updating it and adding to it.

By keeping your SEO in the long term, you ensure that your data never goes to waste. It can continually be used without there ever being a period of stagnation in between that needs to be ignored or overlooked.

And as the backlog of data gets larger and larger, so does the knowledge that comes with it. SEO companies can keep tweaking and fine-tuning their methods based on your growth cycle and adding failures and successes to the log.

They’ll also be able to give you predictions for future results that are more specific and accurate to you. You open the door for more personalization down the line, and any issues faced in the SEO department can be swiftly ironed out at a moment’s notice. That’s something that counts for a lot for growth factors.

Your SEO Guy Knows Just What Steps to Take

Modern SEO can be a lot different in its current state than it used to be a couple of years ago. Improving ranking can get as complicated as it’s possible in a lot of stages. And while using simple basic practices might yield some results, it’s often necessary to go a bit deeper than that.

It’s safe to say that if you’ve enlisted the help of an SEO firm, then you’re aiming much higher than just what some basic tips or tricks can get you. What you’re looking for is professional experience and understanding that can be channeled to suit your individual SEO needs. And that comes at the cost of time. A lot of it, in fact.

It’s also why it’s almost never recommended to keep jumping from company to company to fulfill your optimization needs. Because realistically, you’re talking about a practice that doesn’t net you results until a month later at the least. And you might need several of these cycles to test different approaches and evaluate the right one.

That’s why you should have a dedicated SEO company for longer periods of time. They’re able to hone in on the specifics of vision and what implementation works better for your use cases. When you have a dedicated SEO guy on your team, he’ll be able to give you more personalized offerings.

Even if you have a rock-solid lead on your ranking numbers, there’ll always be room for improvement. And the longer you spend time with the SEO company, the better they’ll be able to identify key areas where your SEO needs improvement and offer personalized suggestions that apply specifically to you. Having that kind of service can be a blessing, especially for businesses that struggle with getting their SEO in order.

Keeping Track of Analytics is Easier

Analytics is a holistic part of your SEO plan. Without them, you can not go far. With them, you have the potential to exceed your expectations and plan for future growth.

But it’s not only your analytics that matter. It’s also the kind of analytics you get from SEO as a result. Things like user data, crawl errors, and more increase after you hit a good standing on your ranking and traffic hits.

It’s a cycle that staying with your SEO firm helps you navigate. The more you grow, the more analytics your receive, and the more you can grow from those analytics. Your SEO company will able to help you track them and use them for a fast path to greater success.

Your Trust and Credibility is Higher

Trust and credibility are important in the SEO business. It’s something that’s involved in all facets of the industry. It doesn’t matter if you’re an SEO company, someone looking to increase SEO or even a search engine that sets that tone for how SEO plays out. Trust is key.

If you’re going to be doing business with an SEO firm, you need to know if they’re reliable enough to get you the results that you need. There are plenty of horror stories around for companies that offer high promising goals with vague wording and under deliver on their promises.

Or worse, they can even affect your SEO in negative ways. All it takes suspicious links back to your site or a bad case of keyword stuffing to end up on the blacklist. And that’s when the search algorithms start trusting you less or remove you from results entirely.

It’s that kind of damage that isn’t just hard to roll back but can be permanent and irreversible in the future. That’s something you never want to have to face.

That’s the kind of thing you can expect if you keep switching companies again and again. You’ll never know if you can trust the next one. It’s almost never worth the risk of tainting your SEO and credibility or possibly even receiving penalties in the system. So why do something that risky for the little payoff?

Keeping with one firm will give you much better chances in the long term. That’s because if you know they have been delivering on their promises so far, then there’s no reason to doubt that they won’t continue to do so in the future. You get to lock down your performance without putting your site in jeopardy. For something like SEO, that counts for a lot.

Your Company Keeps Growing

Optimization is a constant practice. The idea is never just to let yourself go. If there’s room for improvement, then it needs to be acted upon, especially in the fast-moving and evolving space of SEO.

Here’s a simple fact. If you’re thinking about using SEO to get ahead, so are your competitors. Even if you occupy the number one spot, it takes just a brief moment of pause for them to pull in ahead of you.

Many companies and individuals have the smart idea of only enlisting SEO companies when they need them. They then let them go when they get the desired results and wait to decline to enlist someone else. This almost never ends up working in their favor.

SEO isn’t a simple on again off again thing. It’s a perpetual battle and one that you might not win by sitting idly. If you’re not keeping up, someone else is. And they’ll be more than glad to take your spot if you just let them.

This is why you need the support of a tried and tested SEO firm that contributes to your growth. Keeping with the same firm guarantees you those benefits over a sustainable period of time. Because at the end of the day, if all you wanted to be cheap momentary growth, it would probably be easier just to drop some money on Google ads.

Posted in SEO

Old Age Home marketing

Your Assisted Living Business Needs an Online Presence

How are your potential clients, or their families finding your facility? Are you still relying on print ads and traditional media, hoping that your target audience finds you? Your business needs to be where your clients and their families are looking for you, and they are looking online. Having a strong online presence is an absolute must in this competitive space. We specialize in assisted living online marketing and can help you rise above your competition.

Assisted living facilities are no longer limited to serving only clients that are local to them. The reality is that families move their loved ones all over the country, and world in some cases. When you get help from the experts in seniors assisted living marketing, you take away the geographical limitations of print and other traditional media. No matter if you run a live-in facility, or are an in-home care provider, we can help you achieve the online presence needed for prospective clients to find you, no matter where they are.

Families will be counting on your assisted living business to provide them with up-to-date information about how assisted living communities work, and what can be expected for their loved ones. And your website, if properly presented, can be the gateway to many conversations about how your assisted living business can help those who need it most.

How Search Engine Optimization Can Help Your Assisted Living Business Grow

Assisted living businesses may take for granted that they will draw most of their clients from the local regions in which they operate. Our experience has shown that clients can come from anywhere, but only if they can find you. Your website needs to be easily found in the search results. People need to be able to find your business. We can help optimize your site so that you can be found for the terms your prospective clients are using in search.

Finding customers, or rather, making it so that clients can find you, is about much more than just throwing up a website. You don’t want your assisted living services to get lost in the vastness of the online world.

Setting up your Search Engine Optimization (SEO) means that your target audience will be able to find you. We can help you build your site for both local, and national search terms, maximizing the number of potential clients who will see it.

Even if your assisted living business will only focus on serving local clients, your website needs to be able to attract those clients and their families. Using a hyperlocal approach, your business can stand out when those local searches are conducted. Don’t assume that clients will find you just because you are the only assisted living facility around. Allowing a professional to set up your Search Engine Optimization ensures you will be able to be found by your clients and their families. We can help you identify what is important to your clients and what keywords people are using to find facilities just like yours.

Customers are expecting to see the best assisted living businesses listed on the first page of a Google, Bing or Yahoo search. Most people don’t even click on the second page of an internet search because the expectation is that the first page results hold all of the pertinent information.

We’ll Help With All Areas of Assisted Living Online Marketing

Building your online presence doesn’t stop once you have a well-optimized website up. Search, and social media platforms also offer various forms of paid advertising, that can be extremely targeted to those who are looking for businesses just like yours.

Digital marketing for assisted living businesses can include making use of services such as Google Adwords, using pay-per-click advertisements, developing a social media content strategy, as well as an ongoing strategy to manage your assisted living business’ reputation.

Just because you aren’t interested in taking on a social media marketing strategy doesn’t mean you don’t need one. Even if you are the only assisted living business in your area, you can quickly lose clients to businesses outside of your area because their business was more easily found online. It is critical to your business’ reputation that you have a social presence as well. People like to see what is happening in their community and it is important that you build trust amongst your community members and prospective clients with social media.

We’ll Show You How to Put Your Client’s Families at Ease

By having a stable and strategic online presence, proper Search Engine Optimization setup, and an active social media marketing process, your clients and their families will be able to find you. People trust consistency and stability in marketing campaigns. If you are not consistent in your message across your website and social media, you could be losing opportunities to grow.

Working with our digital marketing experts and reputation experts, your assisted living business can thrive by serving the right customer, in the right place, at the right time.

Having a team of professionals behind your assisted living business gives your credibility and lends to the professionalism of your business.

You Need Up-to-date Content for Your Website


One of the most important things that an assisted living business can do is develop and stick to their messaging. It is important to determine what kind of client you want to help, what kind of families you want to help, and what area you want to serve. Once you know your ideal client, you can begin writing content for your client and their families. Assisted living is a two-sided market: your assisted living business needs to serve the person who needs to live in the facility, and your assisted living business needs to help the families of the clients.

By producing content that speaks to both sides of that market, your assisted living business can thrive through credibility and stability in messaging. A digital marketing expert can help you determine that message and create a plan for sharing that messaging across multiple platforms.

We’ll Help you Create Relevant Information


Assisted living businesses are growing all over the nation. With an aging population, the need for more assisted living businesses is only going to increase. It is estimated that by 2030, there will be at least 70 million people over the age of 65 who may need help living their day-to-day lives. It will be vital to the success of your business to stand out from the massive amount of competition.

Working with our experts, you can craft a content strategy and have a plan to put out well written and useful information. It is likely that you will be marketing to the families of those who need the services of an assisted living facility, so your primary messaging should be directed toward those responsible for making decisions about the living arrangements of family members. It all boils down to trust and credibility.

Let us help you position your assisted living business in a way that helps you achieve your business goals and reach the most people possible. We’ll work closely with you and your staff to determine what your strategies should be, what your Search Engine Optimization plan should look like, and what your content should include. Don’t get lost on page two of an internet search. We’ll help you get found by people who need your services.

Posted in SEO

Title Tag Optimization: A Complete How-to Guide


Believe it or not, SEO doesn’t just start and end with what keywords you stuff your content with. In fact, it’s something that happens much earlier than that. As far back as the title itself.

Title tags are the first things someone will see when type in a search term and end up with your link on their search results. They also happen to be one of the few things that improve your rankings.

We’ll be exploring just what it takes to get your title tags optimized right so you can enjoy the benefits of your new-found SEO knowledge and put it to good use.

Choose a Title That Accurately Reflects the Content

This should come across as a no brainer. But you will still find people who don’t understand the importance of having relevant titles, or any titles at all. As a result, they lose out on the ample opportunity to make some points on their SEO.

It’s no surprise that Google tends to rewrite the titles to websites if they don’t accurately reflect the content or exist. They do this so they can work their search engine to offer precise results. If you’ve just had your website’s title rewritten, you might end up losing your focus keywords.

That’s why you should always have titles that are relevant to the content. This makes sense even from a usability standpoint where your audience knows upfront what they’re clicking on. If you can have your title make sense, then that goes a long way to making your SEO rise.

Build It Around Your Keyword

There’s no one way to title tag something. You can do it in any number of different ways, depending on what you want to convey out of it. However, there’s one rule you should always follow if you’re aiming for SEO. And that’s to build the title around the keyword, not the other way around.

After all, when someone is searching for something, they want the result related to their query. If you search for baseball bats, you want the first words to be baseball bats. It fulfills the idea of searcher intent and puts the mind at ease that you have just found the right thing.

That’s why it’s always key to start with the keyword first and build the title on from there. When it’s the first thing that falls on someone’s eye, it will earn you a good number of clicks right away.

Know Your Page Type

Not all pages are made the same. You can have different titles depending on what kind of content is being served up on your page. Are you making a title for an article, product page, blog posts, local services, or reviews? Your answer will also have to reflect the title of the page.

Depending on your page type, you can have your titles serve vastly different priorities than the ones you might have intended with other pages. For example, if you target product pages, you will likely need to have information about the product itself.

While searching for something like Doritos, you should have a title that looks like ‘Doritos Nacho Cheese – 12 Pack’. That’s because someone searching for a product is likely already set on buying it; they just want to know where they’ll get it.

The same basic principle applies for other page types. Blog posts will have emotional, easy to understand, and clickable titles. Local services will have a lot of keywords added to make the page rank higher. Reviews will work with adding words like best, latest, or adding in the current year to communicate relevancy. Whatever the case, the title should always work with the content type.

Decide Who You Serve

Optimizing your title doesn’t always mean that you’re going to playing to improve your ranking numbers. Sometimes it also means working to make your link more appealing to the audience, deciding when to serve which approach is a key factor here.

There are situations in which it makes more sense to serve the search ranking. This is in situations where you offer a basic product or service. Being the highest on the results page means you will be the first to be clicked, which might lead to a sale. This gives you a likely lead over your competitors.

On the other token, in cases where you want to stand a bit more uniquely, is where you should serve the viewer. Let’s say you run a blog post that offers information about a specific subject. People will be more likely to sift through links until they find one that seems to fit their needs. In cases like these, SERPs aren’t as important, and the first few links might even be ignored.

Follow Basic Guidelines

There isn’t a single absolute way of writing titles. But there are basic guidelines that you can follow to get there. Whether you choose to follow them completely or use them to shape your title along, they can be really helpful.

First of all, make sure your title fits into the basic rulesets of titles. Ideally, you should have a short title that’s 60 words or less. Employ the use of short sentences to convey the idea rather than long ones. Take out any unnecessary elements like any uppercase letters, extra punctuation, repetitive or redundant words.

Do the same for all your pages, but make sure they all have different titles. You should also try to aim for a unique title that may be untapped or not used by other pages. Add in varying combinations of the focus keyword and experiment with them.

Lastly, seal the deal with a bit of emotional energy. Add elements like questions and statements in your title by starting with words like how, why, this, and so forth. You can extend the idea by adding in a number of open-loop that entices the viewer and piques their curiosity enough to click.

Posted in SEO

Improve optimization

SEO practices, being the source of online traffic, can decide the fate of your website. No matter how good the content, it is all fruitless without  local Calgary SEO Search Engine Optimization. So, if you are struggling to boost your online visibility, the following tips can help you improve it. These practices will allow you to compete for the top positions in the search results. Let’s get started.

1)    Website Audit

Identifying the strengths and weaknesses of your website is essential to enhance your visibility. A website audit includes an in-depth analysis and comparison of everything on your platform — the content, the structure, current traffic, website health, functionality, and performance.

The end-report will help you fix the weaknesses and improve the performance by getting rid of data and structural discrepancies.

A complete audit would require professional tools that aren’t easy to access, thereby compelling small businesses to reach out to SEO agencies. These professionals do your work for you and offer effective strategies to fix everything that has been halting your online growth.

2)    Site navigation improvement

The search engine algorithm of Google is designed to provide the best possible results for the users. Having said that, it takes into account the ease of website navigation as well. Simply put, the easier to navigate through your website, the better will be the performance. For this, the experts recommend a three-click architecture, meaning every page should only be three clicks away from the visitors. Any more than that would cause harm to the site’s functionality.

3)    Content Relevancy

Publish only the content which is relevant to your website or business. It is essential because when your website stops being useful to your customers, they will move on to somewhere else.

To keep the content tuned and relevant, target keyword phrases for a single webpage. However, it is rare, but multiple keywords can be ranked for a single page if they are somewhat similar. For instance, it would be easier to rank a page having the keywords “Astronomy Jobs” and “Astronomy careers.” Whereas it would be nearly impossible to rank keywords “Biomedical jobs” and “Astronomy careers” for the same page.

4)    Get Rid of Duplicate Content

Your SERP rating can be negatively affected by the duplicate content on your website. Google’s algorithm prefers uniqueness, therefore, penalize the sites having matching content. Getting rid of it will help you increase your ranking and the quality of your site.

Finding identical phrases isn’t a huge deal because thousands of articles may have already writing on your targeted keyword. Plus, sometimes, there are not many ways you can address a particular fact, causing unwanted plagiarism. But you can always fix this problem yourself by using tools like Copyscape. So, every time you update your blog, make sure you let through this software.

5)    Metadata

It is the information that appears after a query or keyword search is carried out. For instance, the title is a type of metadata responsible for the first impression of your content. Generally speaking, it should be concise, catchy, meaningful, and not more than sixty characters.

Including the keyword in the title is a good tactic to let the search engine find your content easily. It generates relevancy and helps you rank better.

Another metadata that you must not forget is the description that appears below the title. It should be clear and able to convey the main idea of your whole content. Plus, it allows you to attract users to your site.

The AI algorithm of Google automatically detects whether the description is relevant to your topic or not, and changes it accordingly. Moreover, by including the keyword in the description, you can make the content more relevant and attractive to the search engine programs. But remember it should not be more than one hundred and sixty characters.

6)    Optimizing the Website Speed

Customer satisfaction relies hugely on how much time it takes to load a webpage. According to a study, if the site takes more than three seconds to load, you might lose half of your visitors. Google’s algorithm also considers site speed to set the preferences.

To boost speed, you might need to fix some things. Here are a few of them:

  • Image size: Images having high resolution drags the speed down greatly. You should compress them before uploading and remove any unnecessary files.
  • Script Handing: Some CSS and JS files reduces the overall speed of the website. Removing them might help fix the matter. In case you haven’t designed your site yourself, you should consult the person who did.
  • Browser Caching: These are extra resources files, which, when deleted, make your site faster.

7)    Quality Content

No matter how much you invest in your website’s structure, there’s no substitute for good-quality and useful content. Therefore, by consistently uploading well-written content will help you increase the SEO results. It should also help solve users’ problems to keep them revisiting your site.

You can set up a quality blog yourself or hire a professional blog writing service to do the job for you. Either way, it will surely make your platform much more visible.

8)    Use Hyperlinks

External and internal linking is another way to boost SEO. These links help your customer stay on your site and get the most out of the content. Google analysis the interlinking structure and considers it while ranking results.

You can do it yourself or hire an SEO professional to create an interlinking strategy and establish an information hierarchy on your site.

9)    Content Readability

Quality content does not mean big and difficult words. It simply means how much information is conveyed to the user without losing his interest. Therefore, before uploading any blog post, make sure you have checked and fixed the readability through proper software.


By addressing all the factors that impact the search engine results, you can enhance visibility and attract more customers to your site. Every single element that we have discussed above contribute in ranking and competing for your site for higher positions.

Posted in SEO

Important Image Tips You Need to Know

So, you’ve just made some content for your site. Great. Your next likely step will be to make sure that it’s SEO optimized so you can maximize the number of eyeballs that it can come across, right?

But SEO isn’t just done and dusted when you insert the necessary SEO keywords or align your content with the right tags. It’s something that you can keep on improving with every aspect of your content.

And what’s the best way to do that on the webpage with lots of written content? The answer is images. That’s why we’re taking a deep dive into some image SEO tips that always come in handy.

Represent A Thousand Words

Virtually anyone can understand the importance of an image. It’s there to explain something that might not be easily said or understood with a lot of words. It also serves as a way to vary the flow of the content to keep the reader’s attention.

That’s all great from an editorial perspective. But you might find yourself asking how SEO plays into all this. The answer is relatively simple. See, search engines aren’t just about typing in queries anymore. They’re much more than that. These days, you can use image search to find content related to an image.

With the advancement of search engines like Google, it’s only a matter of time before image SEO becomes the new norm. That’s why it’s always helpful to get your foot in the door early.

Choose Wisely

Just as you can explain something using different words, you can represent something using different images. Just because two images fit your content’s text doesn’t mean they will deliver the same kind of message.

Whether it’s thumbnail image or one of the embedded images in your content, they will all play an important part. It’s the same for how someone might pick up magazines because the cover enticed them.

A good image will not only bring in more audience to your article; it might even get them to stay there. An enticing embedded image might just be the catalyst for someone to stop skimming through and actually pause to pay attention to the content itself.

Give It a Name

Giving your picture a name other than its default filename may not make sense on paper. But it really makes a big impact when your SEO results come back.

Google itself lays credence to it just by how their search engine works. While Google has the technology to scan images for a rough idea, it’s the file names that really clue in the algorithm to what the images are about.

The best part about this is you don’t have to go all out with stuffing in keywords. As long as you have a good enough description of what’s in the image, Google’s machine learning will take advantage of it. DSC00160.jpg might seem good enough to you, but it’ll really matter if you take the time to name it mona_lisa.jpg.

Optimize the Image

Sometimes, what’s more, important than whether or not you have an image is whether or not it can load properly. It seems like such a small issue, but it can matter so much in the grand scheme of things.

There are a few different file types you can go for when it comes to images for a web page. The most common ones are JPG, PNG, and GIF. Each of these has a different way of storing visual information. When choosing the format for yourself, you have to pit quality against file size.

In a perfect world, we would all want our images to be the highest possible level of quality they can be. But this can be counter-intuitive for webpages.

Higher quality images may not load as quickly or fail to load entirely. If your audience doesn’t have high-speed internet or use mobile data to view your content, they may get the raw end of the deal.

That’s why it’ll be crucial to make sure that you have the right file size to speed up your load times for your webpage and deliver a better experience overall.

Scale Appropriately

When you design a webpage, the goal is always to make it so that it all fits in nicely together. But if your image is too large and shoots off your borders or is too small to see, then that’s a problem. The key to managing your images is to scale them appropriately to fit the dimensions of your webpage.

Keep in mind that this will change depending on the kind of device used to access your webpage. Someone opening the webpage will have a much smaller screen resolution than someone opening it on a computer.

In cases like this, it’s helpful to have images in different resolutions and sizes that can be changed out on the fly. You can do this fairly easily with WordPress, where it’s done most of the time automatically.

Add in Final Touches

Once you have everything set up how you like it, you can go ahead to put in the finishing touches to your images.

The first thing to do is to reduce the file size of your images further. This can be attempted using Photoshop or any other editing program. You can compress the image using optimization algorithms that can drastically reduce the image’s file size without bringing in a big difference to the quality, where it will make a difference in your load time and audience retention.

Another important step is to add in title text and alt text for the image. Alt-text is the descriptive text the user will see if the image doesn’t load for some reason. Whereas Title text is the text that you get when you hover the cursor over an image. Both of these will be the final stepping stone to make sure your SEO sits where it needs to for your desired image.

Posted in SEO