12 Reasons Why Good Content Is Necessary For The Success Of Your Internet Marketing Efforts
To be competitive in today’s commercial landscape, a strong online presence is necessary for every type of business. And to build the strongest online presence possible, internet marketing techniques must be implemented to ensure web visibility, continuous traffic-generation, lead conversion, and ultimately, a sustainable increase in sales.
Central to most internet marketing methods is original, high quality content.
Good Content Is The Engine That Drives Every Internet Marketing Endeavor
Simply put, writing original, high quality content is always the first step for every successful internet marketing strategy. Internet marketing is all about driving visitors to your website and converting them into customers. To lure them in, you need good content that will pique their interest and compel them to want to know more about your business. To transform them into sales, you need good content to inform them of the benefits that can be derived from your products or services and convince them that your business is the right one for their needs.
The internet is also known as the information superhighway. The conveyance of information in the online world is primarily a text-driven process. People use the web to look for the information they need. If you have the information they need, the main manner by which you can relay the same is via good content.
Internet marketing uses this very simple formula to generate leads for your website. With every online marketing method – like search engine optimization (SEO), article marketing, press release distribution, social media marketing, backlinking, and others – the end goal is always the same: to tell people that your website has the content that they’re looking for.
If an internet marketing campaign is successful in leading a person to your website, and that person discovers that your content is of poor quality, then the internet marketing method you implemented will be for naught. It’s virtually useless as the visitor will leave as quickly as he arrived.
Every online undertaking should start with good content. This is the cardinal rule, and there are no exceptions.
The Benefits Of Good Content For Your Business
Why is good content necessary for your business in its quest to establish a strong online presence for itself? Here are 12 reasons that firmly validate the essential nature of amazing content for your business’ website:
1. Ability to communicate your message to your visitors. Words are the best way to tell your visitors what they need to know. Succeeding in the commercial world is all about conveying your business message to your audience and converting them into customers. Your content is chiefly responsible for this. Poor content is much akin to a poorly skilled salesman who won’t be able to sell anything no matter how hard he tries. On the other end of the spectrum, good content is much like a successful real estate broker who has reached superstardom in his field, one who can sell any house by merely saying a few select words.
2. Ability to pre-sell your product or service to your visitors. Only 1 out of every 530 visitors, at the average, will buy your product immediately after reading your sales page. This is because even the most well-written sales page won’t be able to sway the purchasing decision of most leads at first contact. These leads must first be warmed up to your sales pitch. Good content – in the form of articles, informative expositions, or a collection of useful statistics – can pre-sell your product or service to your target audience. This way, once they arrive at your sales page, their minds will be better conditioned to buying what you have to offer.
3. Ability to convert your visitors into sales. On the internet, words sell. This is because written texts are the primary mode of communication in the World Wide Web. Once you’re generating visitors to your website, you will need to tell them what you want them to do. This is called the “call to action.” A “call to action” is always supported by good content. Without good content, your “call to action” will seem like a poorly placed advert.
4. A way to guarantee repeat visitors. If your website is filled with great content, then your visitors will remember your URL and come back in the future. This is a great way to generate additional traffic without having to resort to other internet marketing methods.
5. Greater weight to your web pages for search engine placement. Your website needs to target the first page of search engine results for relevant queries. This is because 5 out of every 7 adults use the search engines to find the products and services they need, and 53% of them never bother to read beyond the first page of these results. Hence, if your website doesn’t place on the first page of search engine results, then it’s missing out on 67% of its potential sales. Now, good content is critical in winning the favor of search engines, mainly because search engines don’t read videos or images… search engines read texts, namely, your content. Google is the most used search engine today, and with its newest set of algorithms (collectively labeled as the Panda update), much weight has been given to web pages with original, high quality content. The “dupe content penalty” is no longer a myth… it has become a fact. For your website to get to the first page, you need well-written, highly informative content that is unique to your website.
6. The prime requirement in making your website an authority resource on the internet. Becoming an authority site is the goal of most website owners today. Being an authority site not only increases the market value of your virtual real estate, it will also increase your search engine ranking and generate more visitors for your website. The key to becoming an authority site is good content – specifically exclusive, well-written, highly informative content pieces that are published on a very regular basis.
7. More traffic and potential leads generated from your article marketing campaigns. Article marketing is still one of the best internet marketing techniques today. If your business is adopting this strategy to build backlinks – if not generate direct traffic – for your website, then do bear in mind that your business will be judged by the articles you distribute. Poorly written articles will not only turn potential leads away, they will also give them the impression that your business is of the same substandard quality as your articles.
8. Better traffic generation from your press releases. Press release distribution is one of the best, though often overlooked, internet marketing practices today. Press releases shine because of their ability to generate direct traffic to your website, to significantly increase the number of backlinks pointing to your URL, and to advertise your website in the offline world if ever your press release will be picked up by print publications. Again, just like articles, your business will be judged based on the quality of your press releases. Marvelously written press releases will immediately give readers the impression that your business is reliable, credible, and very much worth their consideration.
9. Higher possibility of enjoying an exponential growth in lead generation courtesy of electronic word of mouth (eWOM). Because of the sheer popularity of social media – like Facebook, Twitter, Digg, Reddit, and similar websites – in this day and age, word of mouth has gone digital. Electronic word of mouth, or eWOM, is a relatively new phenomenon that can make a significant impact on your business. If your website provides good content, people will talk about it. Social media channels make it easy for them to share how they feel about your web pages’ content. If they like your content, they’ll recommend it to the members of their respective networks. The results are simply amazing – an exponential boost in traffic that will just keep growing and growing with each passing day.
10. Good content will make other websites link to your web pages, thus increasing your own website’s page rank and significantly contributing to its higher placement in relevant search engine results. If you publish original, high quality content with cutting edge information, other websites will naturally link to your web pages to bolster their own content by using yours as reference. This will increase the number of your backlinks tremendously. The best part of it is that this is a type of passive internet marketing, meaning, once your good content is live, you won’t have to do anything to garner backlinks leading visitors to that particular web page.
11. Long lasting benefits. One other important aspect of original, high quality content is that all of its benefits can be enjoyed longterm. One piece of good content will literally serve you for years. This is very much unlike paid online marketing models – such as Pay Per Click (PPC), Pay Per Action (PPA), and Pay Per View (PPV) – that can indeed generate a large volume of traffic quickly, but the influx of visitors will cease once your allotted marketing budget runs dry. Good content will provide organic traffic that is free and highly targeted, in a manner that is more sustainable and can last for many, many years.
12. A more affordable investment. Publishing good content can produce long lasting results, as we have mentioned above. Unlike PPC, PPA, and PPV, you won’t have to pay for every visitor garnered by your website. Basically, you will only have to pay a good writer once to produce the original, high quality content that you need, and your content will work its magic from there.
Good content should always be the priority of your business. Good content is the engine that powers every internet marketing campaign, one that greatly determines the level of success your enterprise will get to enjoy in the world of electronic commerce.
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